Johnnie-Lynn Fioramonti, 56, runs a painting studio that welcomes everyone. She loves helping others and believes creating art is a powerful way for people to connect with their true selves. Her vibrant, colorful Painting Cafe radiates creativity like a warm hug, inviting all to explore their artistic spirit.

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Windsor Abott, a 91-year-old farmer, cherishes the Abbott farmland, which has been in the family since the 18th century when they immigrated to Baldwinsville from England. Now in its fifth generation, Abbott Farms is a testament to the family’s enduring connection with each soul deeply rooted in the rich soil they sow.

Produced by

So Nishitani

So Nishitani

Coached by

Maryanne Golon

MaryAnne Golon

Shweta Gulati

Shweta Gulati