Abbey Fawcett, a member of the Baldwinsville Bees’ cheer team, stands with her team during a feature on Channel 9’s Friday Morning Lights. Abbey is currently unable to cheer after surviving a cardiac arrest, a condition only 10% of people survive outside of a hospital, at a cheer competition over the summer. (Photo by Diana Valdivia)

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Abbey Fawcett’s life changed at 16 when she went into cardiac arrest during a routine at cheer camp. Nearly two months later, Abbey was diagnosed with CPVT – a rare and potentially lethal genetic cardiac condition. But her bright light refuses to dim as she eagerly awaits her return to the mat.

Produced by

Diana Valdivia

Diana Valdivia

Coached by

Deanna Fitzmaurice

Deanne Fitzmaurice

Michael Snyder

Michael Snyder